
The current ecological revolution is a tremendous source of opportunity for industries that are committed to it

Station essence pompe

Our goal since 2007

At GREENEA we accompany our customers into the world of alternative fuels. We are constantly attentive to market developments, and we are deploying our energy to support the transformation of the fuels sector towards the energies of tomorrow.

Over the last ten years, biofuels have evolved rapidly, launched in the 2000s to support the agricultural sector, 10 years later the market has shifted to biofuels from biowaste and now we are moving towards the notion of decarbonation and carbon impacts. Thus designed to create an outlet for a sector, today they meet the net-zero objectives of all consumers (decarbonization of mobility, maritime transport, aviation , and even energy production as fuel).

Notre devoir, accompagner les énergéticiens de demain

Our duty is to support the energy providers of tomorrow

RFNBO (Renewable Fuels of Non Biological Origin) fuels are emerging. These synthetic fuels, or e-fuels, will replace fossil fuels. There is no single solution to the climate challenge! The stakes are so high that all levers must be used. 1G biofuel, 2G biofuel, ethanol, e-fuel, BioGNV, BioGNL, fossils fuels offsetting, electricity, SAF, hydrogen, each of these energies meets or will meet a need, a use, a sector. 2030, may be the end of biofuels as we have known them (B7, E5, E10, B30), how these markets could last if our goal is to strongly reduce or even stop the consumption of diesel and gasoline. The future of biofuels or alternative fuels is a use in B+ / High blend like B100, HVO100, 100% renewable electricity, 100% RFNBO, 100% BIOGNV... Decarbonizing all the sectors and reaching the NET ZERO in 2050, only requires 100% renewable solutions.

Zoom sur les principaux carburants bas-carbone de demain

Our goal is to help you seize the opportunities of the next decade by exploring new business models.

Renewable energy has evolved in its business approach over the past decade, as have the customers who use it. Indeed, many multinational companies in France and around the world are committed to reducing their carbon footprint, particularly by tackling the road, sea and air transport sectors, grouped together under the term "scope 3". Biofuels and renewables play a key role in the decarbonization efforts of multinationals, and GREENEA supports you in your fuel procurement, sustainability certificates, as well as in understanding pricing and different traceability models.

Focus on the main low-carbon fuels of tomorrow

main low-carbon fuels of tomorrow

Crops based biofuels (1G)

Biodesel/HVO : rape oil, palm oil, soybean oil

Bioethanol : produced from sugar beet, sugar cane, wheat, corn

Waste based biofuels (1.5)

Biodesel/HVO: used cooking oils, animal fats CAT-1 and -2

Advanced biofuels (2G)

Biodesel/HVO : Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) · Spent Bleaching Earth Oil (SBEO)

Bioethanol : grape pomace, wine lees, bagasse, wheat straw, municipal waste biomass fraction, corn stalks

Biomethane/Bioethanol : organic waste, manure, sewage sludge, grape pomace, less wine

RFNBO (Renewable Fuels of Non Biological Origin), renewable liquid and gaseous fuels of non-biological origin

Renewable electricity

Hydrogen H2

Synthetic fuels: plastic-to-fuel / e-fuel (e-desiel, e-gasoline, e-kerosene, e-fuels)

Ready to transform your business with our energy solutions ?

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